A Beginner’s Guide to Speciality Coffee

A Beginner’s Guide to Speciality Coffee

A Beginner’s Guide to Speciality Coffee

Welcome to the world of speciality coffee! If you’re new to this exciting realm, you’re in for a treat. Speciality coffee is all about quality, flavour, and a unique coffee experience that goes beyond what you might be used to. Here’s a quick guide to get you started.

What is Speciality Coffee?

Speciality coffee refers to the highest quality coffee beans that are carefully grown, harvested, and processed to bring out the best flavours. These beans are often sourced from specific regions known for their unique climates and soil conditions, which contribute to their distinct taste profiles.

Why Choose Speciality Coffee?

  1. Exceptional Flavour: Unlike commercial coffee, which can taste generic, speciality coffee offers a wide range of flavours. You might taste notes of fruit, chocolate, nuts, or even floral hints, depending on the origin and roast of the beans.

  2. Quality Assurance: Speciality coffee undergoes rigorous quality checks conducted by certified Q graders. Only beans that score 80 points or above on a 100-point scale are classified as speciality coffee. This ensures you’re getting the finest coffee.

  3. Freshness: Speciality coffee is usually roasted in small batches and sold pretty soon after roasting. This means you get to enjoy your coffee at its peak freshness, with all the vibrant flavours intact.

  4. Ethical and Sustainable: Many speciality coffee producers prioritise sustainable farming practices and fair labour conditions. By choosing speciality coffee, you’re supporting ethical practices and contributing to the well-being of coffee-growing communities. Prices for speciality coffee are usually well in excess of the spot price. The focus is on providing a price that actually considers the farmers' costs. When prices for spot (not speciality) coffee are really low, farmers can actually make a loss despite selling most or even all of their coffee.

  5. Shade Grown: A high proporation of specaility coffee (particularly in Nicaraguan) is grown under layers of shade provided by trees, plants and bushes. Shade-grown coffee tends to have more developed flavours because the shaded environment slows down the maturation process of the coffee cherries. This slower growth allows the beans to develop more complex sugars and compounds.

How to Enjoy Speciality Coffee

  1. Start with Whole Beans: For the best experience, buy whole beans and grind them just before brewing. This helps preserve the flavours and aromas. What's more, nothing is better than the smell of freshly ground coffee every morning!

  2. Experiment with Brewing Methods: There are various ways to brew speciality coffee, from pour-over and French press to espresso and AeroPress. Each method can bring out different aspects of the coffee’s flavour.

  3. The small details matter: Factors like water temperature, how soft or hard your water is , grind size, and brewing time can significantly impact the taste of your coffee. Don’t be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you.

  4. Savour the Experience: Take your time to enjoy the aroma and taste of your coffee. Notice the different flavours and how they change as the coffee cools.

Final Thoughts

Speciality coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s an experience. By exploring the world of speciality coffee, you’ll discover a new appreciation for the art and science behind every cup. So, grab a bag of speciality beans, experiment with different brewing methods, and enjoy the journey!

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